Fertilizing Tips for your Dogwood Trees


Dogwood Trees – Fertilizing Process: The all-season beauty of dogwood trees makes it a perfect tree for landscaping your garden. In spring, the tree produces lovely white or pink flowers, while in autumn, you will see cute red berries. In summer, dogwood trees produce leaves with yellow or red accents. Even in winter, you will be amazed at the unique scale-like shape formed on the tree barks.


Such beauty makes growing dogwood trees worth all your time and effort. In this article, you will know the easy steps on how to use Fertilizer to ensure your dogwood trees grow as healthy and as lovely as they can be.


Identifying the Fertilizer needs of your Dogwood Trees


Before applying any fertilizer to your dogwood, it’s best first to check the nutrient needs of your soil. Grab a soil test kit from the nearest gardening store. This will let you know which type of nutrient the soil lacks for your dogwood. The result of the soil test will also help you identify the best ratio of fertilizers to apply.


Types of Dogwood Tree Fertilizers

12-4-8 Fertilizer


This type of dogwood fertilizer has a ratio of 12 nitrogen, 4 phosphorus, and 8 potassium content. This is the most recommended Fertilizer for growing dogwoods.

Nitrogen ensures that the leaves will get its vibrant color white phosphorus provides energy to the growing tree. Potassium, on the other hand, supports the healthy division of cells.


16-4-8 Fertilizer


This is another ratio of dogwood fertilizer, especially for soils with low nitrogen levels. Such a problem is noticeable in the dogwood’s slow growth than usual and its leaves’ pale color.

The Fertilizer is packed with higher levels of nitrogen and the same phosphorus and potassium content. This will ensure that the tree will grow to its desired height, and leaves will form into a bright color.


When to Fertilize your Dogwood Trees


Some dogwood trees below 1 year old must not receive any fertilizer since they are still very sensitive. On the other hand, if you fertilize them late in the season, it may cause new growth, making the tree more sensitive during winter. So proper timing is very important.


The best time to put fertilizers is one year after your dogwood trees’ natural growth, and it’s best to apply them in March and July. On the other hand, healthy dogwood trees that grow near fertilized lawns don’t need to be fertilized because they can absorb the nutrients that are fed on the grass.


How to Fertilize Dogwood Trees


Make sure to apply the Fertilizer to your dogwood trees properly. The Fertilizer needs to reach the roots of the tree to nourish it effectively. For younger dogwood trees in its second year, start applying ¼ cup fertilizer until the trunk’s size reaches 2 diameters.


For older dogwood trees, follow these easy steps:


Prepare ½ cup of Fertilizer for every inch of the trunk’s diameter and put it in a container. For instance, if the tree’s trunk is 6 inches, prepare 3 cups of Fertilizer.

Scatter ⅔ of the Fertilizer on the ground where the tree stands. Then, scatter the other ⅓ of the Fertilizer on the ground a few feet away from the tree. This is to reach the small feeder roots of the tree.
If you don’t expect rain for a few days, wet the area completely with 1-inch water. The water will dissolve the ingredients of the Fertilizer and let it reach the roots. If an empty can of goods you put on the ground is filled to an inch, you know that you have put enough water. You may also use a sprinkler to distribute the water eventually.


Dogwood Trees – Fertilizing Process


By simply following these simple steps, your dogwood trees will surely bloom at its best. Apply this knowledge to your plant, coupled with your tender love and care, and see how your dogwood trees bloom in the garden. But more than having a beautiful garden, you will surely feel the joy you deserve at all times, in all seasons, just like the beauty of your dogwood trees.


Remember, taking care of your trees will always be simpler then need extensive tree care services later! Love your trees and they will provide you joy now, and well into the future.

Author: Blogger